One of our skiers wrote…
Skiing means the world to me.
Icy wind
Fluffy snow
Kind friends who help
Try new things
Fall and get up again
I am a better person because of skiing
Thank you,
Sarah N.
Shared Ski Adventures:
• 8-week program beginning in early January
• 3-hour lesson every Saturday morning at Swain Ski Resort (9am-12 noon)
• Private lesson structure with 2:1 instructor to student ratio
• Adapted equipment as needed (limited availability)
• Program is supported by trained volunteer instructors
• Ski equipment rental available
• Discounted family tickets available
Our Goal
- To promote personal growth, development and self-esteem
- To increase physical and mental capabilities
- To acquire outdoor skills & environmental awareness
- To promote independence & participation in non-exclusive activities
- To have fun and make friends
- To encourage social interaction
- To improve teaching, leadership and communication skills
- To make a difference through rewarding experiences
Our Vision
- To make SSA affordable to people with disabilities
- Be a known recreational option for disabled people in Western NY
- Create an expandable program, capable of accommodating community needs
- Provide accredited instructors to all students
- Purchase latest equipment to best enable our students
- Further expose disabled people to outdoor physical activities which is beneficial to health & morale
- To increase skier exposure through field trips to other ski resorts
- Promotional events: open house, fund raising
- Be an introductory program for people interested in learning more